Tuesday 12 June 2012

Week 15: Final Presentation Project 3

Week 15 concluded DAB510. My Final Summary Board is below:

My presentation is located at the Prezi website: http://prezi.com/udzmoncojldl/the-mangrove-metaphor/

I felt that as part of my presentation due to time constraints i was unable to explain my mangrove metaphor as much as i would have liked. Our guest tutor at the end of my presentation gave feedback, she believed that my mangrove concept was represented in the 2D (seen in diagramming) but wasn't successful in 3D.

I'm not sure i agree with this. I believe reasons this may not have been understood by the tutor is that i was unable to describe the space planning exercises i under took earlier in the design process. The three dimensional root structure was considered when planning each of the floors and spaces.

I also believe i was not able to portray in my presentation the link between the purpose of the building and mangroves informing structure. As mangroves were identified as a plant unique to the subtropical climate and one which has adapted to the constant flux of seawater (flooding) i found it particularly appropriate as part of the theme learning from nature.

Adaption was part of the concept of my original folie design, mangroves adapt and survive in flood waters, that which lives in a subtropical climate, such as Brisbane. The roots were used to lift the building from the ground, lessening the affects of potential flooding and the root structure also used to segregate space. You can see on the 3D images that the angle and direction of the concrete 'roots' was used to separate glass and concrete on the outside of the building.

Another issue addressed by our guest tutor in the presentation was site selection. I was questioned why my building was to be where it was opposed to any other site. I believe reasons for site placement were:
-similar location to folie site which had been chosen to accentuate views of Kangaroo Point, the city and story Bridge. I also wanted to keep a link between my site and the mangrove trees on the opposite side of the River. This is so people in the building would understand the inspiration.
- I had considered placing the building closer to the water or perhaps with some roots going into the water. When discussing this with my tutor Yvonne, it was decided not to keep the building very close to the water as the ground floor of the building was intended to be a public gathering place and placing this so close to the water could have been hazardous. However, i could have explored the addition of platforms into the water.
- The other reason for site placement was a need for there to be a strong link to the city and the architectural establishments identified as part of site analysis. Seen in the master plan is a large stair case that links the building to Bowen Terrace.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Week 14: Preparing Presentation

Building form has been finalised and renders have been finished, currently images to be used in the presentation will be:

Ground axonometric

First Floor axonometric

Second Floor Axonometric

Third floor axonometric

The materials used in my design are limited to wood, concrete and glass to have a more neutral palette, and I think i have been able to achieve this, especially noticeable in the interior images. I think this works well with the learning from nature theme and i will continue the neutral palette within my presentation. 

I believe the interior of my design is just as important as the exterior to continue the intended palette mentioned above. This is why i will used axonometric floor plans in my presentation. 

Sunday 3 June 2012

Week 13c: Presentation Outline

Currently design development looks like this:

As the design development is coming along, i thought i should consider my presentation and what images i will be needing so i can focus on that. So far, this is an outline of images I believe I will need for my final presentation.

Slide 1: Titles
Slide 2: folie design images
Slide 3: site analysis – determining site issues diagram
Slide 4: typology of users surrounding site – nolli residential vs. Commercial diagram
Slide 5: architeactural community relative to site diagram
Slide 6: Introduce theme
                ‘Nature as model, mentor, measure’
Slide 7: Mangrove metaphor images
Slide 8: Solution: HSW Design Proposal (developing brief)
                ‘Nature as mdel.. mangroves,
                Nature as mentor... flooding,
                Nature as measure... sustainability.’
Slide 9: Brisbane City Sustainable Learning Centre – Masterplan. Explain access to site for intended users
Slide 10: Exterior shots – inviting users to space
Slide 11: Entering building – interior image of appraoch to stairs on ground level
Slide 12: Axonometric ground floor + overlay circulation
Slide 13: Axonometric level 1 plan + overlay circulation
Slide 14: Internal perspective level 1
Slide 15: Axonometric level 2 plan + overlay circulation
Slide 16: Internal perspetive level 2
Slide 17: Axonometric level 3 plan + overlay circulation
Slide 18: Internal perspective level 3
Slide 19: Material/tectonic  - section

Friday 1 June 2012

Week 13b: Design Development

During Week 13 Tutorials, the main concern of my Tutor, Yvonne, was that the mangrove metaphor wasn't 'strong' enough. After showing her sketch designs such as this [Wk 12 elevation sketch] it was obvious that i haven't transformed the strong structural features of the mangrove branches into the design. Therefor, I need to work on my facade design more so that i accentuate the branches as a strong structural feature. Yvonne recommended looking at Toyo Ito's Tod building for inspiration...

Toyo Ito Tod's Building. Accessed from http://www.busyboo.com/2009/01/25/toyo-ito-tods/ June 1, 2012. In the next phase of design development I will have to work on the facade so it possesses more of a strong structural building.

The Yellow Treehouse by Pacific Environment Architects.  http://cubeme.com/blog/2009/06/10/yellow-tree-house-new-zealand-by-pacific-environment-architects/ accessed June 1, 2012.

Whilst researching I also found this image. I feel like these buildings well describe the intimate learning spaces I am trying to create with the softer curves within the interior of my building. Yvonne also did suggest bringing the curve language to the outside of the building, but I feel like i want to keep a contrast between the strong structural column elements on the outside of the building, and the soft curved panels forming smaller intimate spaces within the building separate elements. This is why I have also begun the curved language from underneath the building, surrounding the stairs which invite people into the middle of the building. From afar, they are confronted with the strong straight structural columns, and as they enter underneath the building, the curved panels create curiosity before they enter into the first level where the smaller spaces are contrasted.

Though I will explore using the same curved language around the site, perhaps in flat panels that cascade outwards at different heights to creating seating areas.This is partly because we also need to consider our masterplan, site and site access.

During the next week, our tutor would like us to develop our Masterplans and diagrams to be used in the final presentation.

 Development of the root structure on the outside of the building currently looks like this...

 I am already feeling that this is more reminiscent of a mangrove root structure. The 'roots' are made of curved concrete panels which are approximately between 200mm and 1000mm wide. I plan on further developing the roots and adding smaller ones that will break up the many faces of the building, which then can be used as 'frames' for either concrete or glass panels, depending on views to be either shown or not. This part of the process will need to involve the site.

Monday 28 May 2012

Week 13: Resolving Design

This week is the last week before presentations in Week 15, and the last chance to speak with Tutors regarding design. So, in order to gain the most feedback design is to be as resolved as possible.

So far, the design looks like this:

First Floor

Second Floor

Third floor

Though, apart from discussing design form, I also have other questions that I would like to discuss with the Tutor.

These include:
- Confirm the focus of the building be a 'Sustainability' Centre (learning about sustainable design) or 'Subtropical' centre (learning about the Subtropical climate in which Brisbane exists. 
- Confirm what is to be on the summary boards and what should be on the powerpoint presentation. Detail drawings on summary boards and 'experiential' images on powerpoint maybe?
- How long will presentation go for?
- Discuss site placement. Building is intended to go near water due to mangrove structure and (mimic natural placement along water's edge) but underground area is also intended for public use - so will i need barriers to water? Discuss site placement with tutor
- Also discuss access to building.
- Office and auxiliary spaces have all been moved to second level of building - public spaces on first floor and second floor mezzanine. Office auxiliary spaces are to include kitchenette - should i consider placement of a small cafe for public considering there is none arc close to area?
- As top level of building is for store and services which is located at back of level - consider opening up the from to the level to be open air? Could continue either root 'columns' or panel language to create public function area?

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Week 12: Realising Design

During week 12, Yasu completed his 'Design Discussion', further defining 'Experience,' 'Theme,' and 'Communication' as part of the assessment criteria for Project 3.

- Needs to emphasise how users will utilise space
- Don't just include hero shots - also show inside of building - make sure the people shown are relevant
- Will need to show urban fabric (background)
- Need to be able to make Tutors feel like they are experiencing the building
- Plan sequence of images for presentation to tell a story (and make sense)
- Important images: Hero shot and internal perspective
- Model can be used to place model people and take photos

- Defined by tutorial group 'Learning From Nature'
- Nature as a model, mentor, measure.

- We will need to communicate progression of development in presentation - starting with Folie.
- 1 x A1 Summary Board of Final Design (printed not mounted)
- Digital Presentation
- Other artefacts such as models, hand drawings are to be put onto blog
- Attention to detail is important.

Yasu made a note of explaining that it important to give your final presentation a considerable amount of thought before the due date. He also added that considering what is to be included in the presentation will be helpful in directing what needs to be worked on.

What I believe will need to be included as part of my presentation at the moment is:

Folie Design - Learning from Adaptation

Site Analysis and Problems

The Mangrove Metaphor

Programme for building

Theme Group: Learning from nature
Nature as a model 
- Mangroves informing structure

Nature as a mentor 
- The ability of mangroves to be resilient to flooding
- Site Analysis: flooding in the area

Nature as a measure 
- Learning about Sustainable Design
- Site Analysis: Architectural practices surrounding HSW

HSW Subtropical Learning Centre
- Site plan
- Resolved Design
- Experiential Images

I will be putting this presentation together via a website called Prezi. This can be viewed at http://prezi.com/udzmoncojldl/the-mangrove-metaphor/

After discussion with my tutor and further consideration, there are still things that need to be considered in respect to design. These include:
- Considering making walls more square. This is compared to an organic shape. See which is most aesthetically pleasing.
- Consider using the same 'language' of interior mangrove panels to create stairs which elevate and separate learning spaces.
- Consider main facade which consists of mangrove silhouette and branches continue into building
- Consider grouping all office space above lecture hall to free up front public space for the creation of separate levels which are linked to mangrove panel language - mimic branches in organisation?

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Week 11: Design Development

In Week 11, the Assessment criteria terms 'Presence' and 'Tectonic' were discussed as part of 'Design Discussion'. In order to address these criteria, I have interpreted that our final presentation of Project 3 is to include and consider:

As part of PRESENCE:

- A set of diagrams that describe the background issues of the site and why the project is important to the surrounding community
- A description of influencing contextual relationships and factors on the project to be described - in my case, the Brisbane subtropical climate, in particular, mangroves influencing form and structure
- An understanding of past and present of the site and within the community - in my case, how the floods have affected the city and community of Brisbane
- An understanding that there are values present in the area and this can inform needs, and these needs are to be well defined and will form a concept of what is required in the area. For my project this is the need for a communal learning centre and central meeting place for those involved in the architectural community.
- How the building is seen in differing seasons, or contexts - collecting materials and showing realistic photomontages will be important to achieve this
- Must be able to tell a story of the final presentation which begins with the folie and finishes with final design.

As a part of TECTONIC:

- Consider how the building is developed (building development) and formed (building form), must be able to describe the design decisions made. This should be able to be done throughout the use of images or diagrams rather than spoken word.
- During the design process people need to be considered as most important and how they will interact with the building.
Circulation - demonstrated in simple diagrams. It needs to be considered that there may be several different types of circulation to be communicated
Function - if the building consists of adaptable spaces, it needs to be demonstrated how they will occur and be used. Function should to an extent influence the way you design
- Components - consider simplified exploded views of the building to understand how it comes together
Sections and plans are important to show texture
Details are needed for key aspects of the design, which can be determined with tutor. They are needed to show you have considered important elements.
Physical model can be helpful for sketches.

Week 10: Project 3

Project 3 is to be an extension of Project 1 and 2, continued as part of our theme group. The criteria given by Yasu highlighted particular focus on:

- The geographical location of the building (in Brisbane)
- Exposure to surrounding areas
- Value as a public building
- Users - how they utilise the building and how it demonstrates the significance of education of visitors
- A consideration for how people arrive at the building, experience, leave and move on to their next destination

It is understood that it was Yasu's intention to keep the design brief non-specific as to encourage a range of resolutions from each group and student. He also emphasised the importance of directing our own learning and design process, and forming our own brief, responding to it and then ask for feedback, rather than being 'told' what to do.

I feel like i have begun to address even if briefly most of the issues that were to be addressed as part of Project 2.  I feel like my underlying concept of learning does exist, though may need some resolution.  I also am in need of further developing how mangroves inform the structure of my building.

To begin to further develop how mangroves will inform my design, I have found the below images....

I believe the contours of the shapes in the Banq Restaurant could be related to the contours of mangrove branches,  I also like the ability of the individual pieces to create different views from different directions. I would like to explore this relationship further in sketch and concept design for Project 3. 

An example of how i could take the mangrove metaphor and translate it to diagram, to eventually inform building structure is demonstrated in the below image (sourced from http://dab510group10.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/some-diagram-examples-for-everyone.html)

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Week 9: Project 2 Submission

Week 9 was the deadline for submission of Project 2, which focussed on conceptual development for the HSW Site. The final presentation is attached. 

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Week 8: Design Development

During Week 8, formal space needed to be arranged in response to the programme that had been set. Working on the mangrove metaphor, the following three images show how diagram progressed to a series of spaces.

Now that there are formal volumes and spaces prescribed, I would like to further explore how mangroves can inform the structure of the building as well as how the differing angles and lengths of the trees' branches and roots can affect organisation of individual spaces within the building. The end design I intend to be organised organically, but to be constructed with modern materials such as glass and metal in a sustainable way.

Area for further development also exists in how the building will respond to the subtropical climate of Brisbane. I would like to include some locally responsive design solutions that will demonstrate to the public what can be done to accommodate climate opposed to mechanical methods such as air-conditioning. 

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Week 7: Architectural Resolution

This week i further investigated the site and the types of users within the Architecture community in Brisbane. It was discovered that Brisbane city, particularly within 5km (walking distance) of the site there are many practices, businesses and institutions that exist. This is demonstrate in the image below:

The large purple rings indicate distance whilst the smaller dark purple rings indicate practices, businesses and institutions, as well as orange indicating site. This result is of no surprise given the density surrounding the site, shown in the image below:

It has been identified that surrounding the site is a mix of high density mixed use properties, with the introduction of more private dwellings the the east of the site, seen as part of New Farm. 

The major site issue recognised has been flooding. The below diagram shows areas that were affected by flooding in the 2011 floods. Overland flooding from the river is indicated in light blue. You can see that almost all of the HSW site was inundated by flood waters. 

As site issues have been investigated, i also began to further develop my 'mangrove metaphor' and how this could inform form and space. I began with simple diagrams that were taken from last week's sketch and then digitised, seen below.

I have kept in mind the idea of separating the structure into three different levels. I want to create an open podium area at the bottom of the building that will be open grassed areas. This is to accentuate the roots of the mangroves and also elevate the building to minimise flooding impacts. My tutor has also suggested the possibility of different levels in the building that could be close off in times of flooding. 

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Week 6: Developing Metaphor

During Week 6 tutorial we had a pin up of site analysis. We were to then further develop on this. My individual site analysis began with a map which identified location in Brisbane, and a simple Nolli map. While these are common, I find that they are very helpful in understanding type, size and density of buildings surrounding a site.

I found that closest to the HSW site many large commercial, residential high rise and mixed use buildings existed, common with that of Brisbane City. Although to the East and West of the site, moving towards suburbs such as New Farm and Spring Hill, a definite decrease in size and density can be seen as residential housing blocks are introduced.

This prompted thought about the type of people that may visit the site. As we are to use the guidelines of Yasu and our tutor, we still need to develop our own brief. In order to create and fulfil a successful brief, i believe it is important to understand users that would make most use of this site.

As part of this assignment we are to set parameters to investigate and solve, otherwise we will find it difficult to develop a strong brief in which to respond to. I have therefore chosen to investigate visitors to the site who are involved in the architectural profession. I want my learning centre to be educational for the architectural profession, a place where architects and those interested in architecture and responding to Brisbane's subtropical climate can come to be educated and educate each other.  In addition to this it has been considered to include possible headquarters for the relocation of RAIA offices from Southbank. My building will therefore include a type of public lecture space, office spaces as well as secondary spaces to service these functions.

With this in mind, a programme of space can be developed. My building is to include:
- Lecture hall to accommodate 100 people
- Small learning spaces to accommodate up to 4 people at a time
- Two office spaces, approximately 50 metres square
- Reception
- Lunch room
- Toilets
- Store
- Services

Developing Nature as a Metaphor:

As part of our theme group 'Learning from Nature' we are to look to nature to help solve site issues that have been investigated, and solve them with examples from nature. I have identified a major site issue as flooding, and for several reasons (already discussed) believe that the mangrove plant is a good example to inform my design. Concept development sketches are below: