Sunday 3 June 2012

Week 13c: Presentation Outline

Currently design development looks like this:

As the design development is coming along, i thought i should consider my presentation and what images i will be needing so i can focus on that. So far, this is an outline of images I believe I will need for my final presentation.

Slide 1: Titles
Slide 2: folie design images
Slide 3: site analysis – determining site issues diagram
Slide 4: typology of users surrounding site – nolli residential vs. Commercial diagram
Slide 5: architeactural community relative to site diagram
Slide 6: Introduce theme
                ‘Nature as model, mentor, measure’
Slide 7: Mangrove metaphor images
Slide 8: Solution: HSW Design Proposal (developing brief)
                ‘Nature as mdel.. mangroves,
                Nature as mentor... flooding,
                Nature as measure... sustainability.’
Slide 9: Brisbane City Sustainable Learning Centre – Masterplan. Explain access to site for intended users
Slide 10: Exterior shots – inviting users to space
Slide 11: Entering building – interior image of appraoch to stairs on ground level
Slide 12: Axonometric ground floor + overlay circulation
Slide 13: Axonometric level 1 plan + overlay circulation
Slide 14: Internal perspective level 1
Slide 15: Axonometric level 2 plan + overlay circulation
Slide 16: Internal perspetive level 2
Slide 17: Axonometric level 3 plan + overlay circulation
Slide 18: Internal perspective level 3
Slide 19: Material/tectonic  - section

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